Recommended Settings

We have some sane default settings that we strongly recommend you follow

Please make sure to update the firmware on your device as you get started. The easiest way to do that is to use the Web Flasher. The latest stable release, even if labeled Beta, is generally a very safe option.

In the Bay Area, we have a few recommendations for configuration:

  • LORA
    • Set region to United States (US)
    • Preset: Long Range - Fast (Default)
    • Number of hops: 3 (Default) - Please don’t turn this up.
    • Set Ignore MQTT to true to avoid forwarding MQTT traffic
  • Channels
    • 0 Primary Channel
      • Name: Blank (Default)
      • Key: AQ== (Default)
      • You may wish to turn off Positions & Location if you’re not interested in broadcasting your location
  • User
    • Long Name: Something descriptive. Ex: Your name, Discord Handle, or Ham Callsign
    • Short Name: Max of 4 characters, something unique for you and that particular radio. This will be what’s displayed in chat.
    • Licensed Operator: Do not enable unless you are a licensed Amateur Radio operators and have read Licensed Operations.
  • Device Config
    • Device Role
      • Client Mute - Best for vehicles and anytime you have more than 2 nodes in the same place. It will not relay messages.
      • Client - Recommended for a home “base stations” or your single primary node. It will relay messages it receives.
      • Router / Repeater - Don’t use this to get started. There are a lot of considerations, and caveats, to using the offical Router & Repeater roles. Remember: The Client role relays messages just fine.
      • See offical docs for full breakdown
  • Module Configuration
    • MQTT
      • If you want to be internet-connected, see MQTT - But this is for fixed position nodes, typically at home.
    • Device Telemetry
      • Device Metrics: 1 hour.
      • Sensor Metrics: 1 hour.