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Documentation & Resources
- 1: Overview
- 2: FAQ's
- 3: Getting Started
- 3.1: Meshtastic Basics
- 3.2: MQTT
- 3.3: Recommended Hardware
- 3.4: Recommended Settings
- 4: Weekly Net
- 5: Emergency/Private Use
- 6: Licensed Operations
- 7: Other Community Resources
1 - Overview
What more of an overview do people need? ChatGPT was here.
Meshtastic is an open-source project that allows people to communicate over long distances without relying on traditional cellular networks or Wi-Fi. It uses affordable devices equipped with LoRa (Long Range) technology to create a mesh network, enabling text messaging and GPS location sharing even in remote areas. Ideal for outdoor adventures, emergency situations, and local events, Meshtastic provides a simple and reliable way to stay connected when other communication methods are unavailable.
2 - FAQ's
Q - I send messages but don’t get an ack/response?
A - In order to get an acknowledgement from your message, there must be another node in range. Here’s a few tips to help out:- Check the maps, to see if there are any nodes close to you on the map. Within a few miles at most. Remember that not all nodes are reported on the map and the nodes on the map may be old.
- Get as clear line of sight to other nodes as possible. In your basement is bad, on the roof is best. Lora signals don’t pass through trees and building very well, so the less stuff between you and your target, the better. At a bare minimum, put the node in a window.
- Consider a better antenna. If you’re using something cheap like a Lilygo T-Beam or Heltec V3, they often ship with poorly tuned antennas. Buy something from a reputable side like Rokland, or ask around for what has had good results on Amazon.
- Try from other locations.
Q - I can get messages outside/from my roof, but not in my house, what can I do?
A - Use the mesh! Put a second node in a box outside, with a good antenna. It can be your own personal “base station” to boost the message to your carry around node.Q - I see my messages on #logger, but I never get messages on my radio
A - The messages logged in discord come from all over the Bay Area (and into Sacramento and the Central Valley). Messages are uplinked from various nodes that may be dozens of miles away from you. Additionally due the geography of the Bay Area and minimal nodes on mountain tops, message in one geographic area may not make it to you.Q - Can you ELI5 Meshtastic?
A - Imagine if walkie-talkies could talk to multiple people at once, and automatically relay your messages from one radio to another to get better range. It’s a lot like that, except its digital so you’re sending text messages…except you don’t need cell service.
3 - Getting Started
If you haven’t checked the Offical Meshtastic Getting Started Guide we’d reccomend you start there first.
Getting started in 5 easy steps
- Get a supported device ( our reccomendation )
- Wipe and flash firmware using the Meshtastic Web Flasher
- Connect to the node via serial or bluetooth to your phone or computer
- Follow the reccomended settings
- Join us on Discord
- Send messages!
3.1 - Meshtastic Basics
This was generated by ChatGPT. Someone should make sure its legit before trusting anything.
Introduction to Meshtastic
Meshtastic is an open-source project that enables long-range, low-power, mesh communication using inexpensive hardware. It is primarily designed for outdoor activities, emergency scenarios, and other use cases where traditional communication infrastructure is unavailable.
Core Components
- LoRa Modules: Meshtastic uses LoRa (Long Range) modules, which are capable of transmitting data over several kilometers using minimal power. Commonly used modules include the TTGO T-Beam and Heltec WiFi LoRa 32.
- Microcontrollers: These modules are typically integrated with microcontrollers that handle data processing and communication.
- The Meshtastic firmware is installed on the LoRa modules, enabling them to form a mesh network. This firmware manages the routing of messages, device configurations, and network management.
Mobile Applications
- Meshtastic App: Available for both Android and iOS, the Meshtastic app allows users to configure their devices, send messages, and visualize the mesh network. It connects to the LoRa modules via Bluetooth.
- Web Interface: There is also a web interface that provides similar functionalities through a web browser.
How Meshtastic Works
Mesh Network Formation
- Node Deployment: Each LoRa module acts as a node in the network. When powered on, these nodes automatically connect to nearby nodes, forming a mesh network.
- Self-Healing and Scalability: The network is self-healing, meaning it can dynamically re-route messages if a node goes offline. This makes the network robust and scalable, capable of handling numerous nodes.
- Message Routing: When a message is sent from one node, it is propagated through the mesh network. Nodes relay the message until it reaches its destination.
- Encryption: Messages are encrypted to ensure privacy and security within the network.
Range and Power Efficiency
- Long Range: The LoRa technology enables communication over distances up to several kilometers, depending on the environment and antenna configuration.
- Low Power Consumption: Meshtastic is designed to operate on low power, making it suitable for battery-powered devices and long-term deployments.
Use Cases
Outdoor Adventures
- Hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts can use Meshtastic to stay connected in areas without cellular coverage.
Emergency Situations
- Meshtastic can be crucial in disaster scenarios where traditional communication infrastructure is damaged or unavailable.
Community Networks
- Local communities can set up their own mesh networks for events, festivals, or local communication needs.
Getting Started
Hardware Setup
- Purchase compatible LoRa modules and flash them with the Meshtastic firmware following the official guides.
- Use the Meshtastic mobile app or web interface to configure your nodes, set up encryption keys, and manage network settings.
- Deploy the nodes in the desired area and start communicating through the mesh network.
Meshtastic provides a versatile and robust solution for long-range, low-power communication. Its open-source nature and community support make it an accessible and practical tool for various scenarios where traditional communication methods are impractical.
3.2 - MQTT
This is on the most advanced side of things. If you don’t know what “MQTT” is, leave it disabled. You do not need to turn MQTT to have your messages on the logger.
This is also only useful on “base station” nodes. Ones that are in a good position to pick up messages AND with a stable internet/wifi connection.
MQTT is the technology used to feed the mesh data to the internet (aka what powers the Mesh Maps, Discord Logger, etc). Setting up MQTT is totally optional and should only be done on a staticly installed node with strong and reliable internet access (like a node on your roof). If you are just using a portable node, you do not need to take any actions.
MQTT Settings
If you want to use MQTT:
Module Configuration > MQTT
- MQTT Enabled: True
- Encryption Enabled: True
- JSON Enabled: False
- This doesn’t work on RAK devices, only ESP32
- Its limited and isn’t needed by the logger or meshview.
- Map Report Enabled: Optional
- Root Topic:
- EXACTLY this, the capitalization matters
- Server Address:
- Username:
- Password:
- TLS Enabled: Optional
- If you want to use TLS, it’s supported
Radio Configuration > Channels > 0 / Primary
- MQTT Uplink: Enabled
3.3 - Recommended Hardware
See also Discord #resources thread
SeeedStudio Tracker T1000-E
The T1000-E by SeeedStudio is one of the few “ready to go” out of the box nodes available with a ~2 day battery life and integrated GPS. It is IP65 and approximately the size of a credit card (but thicker). These features and its low cost make it an excellent starter unit for first time Meshtastic users.
- Pros
- Long battery life (2+ days)
- GPS & Battery Included
- ~$40 USD
- IP65 case
- Cons
- No support for external antenna
Rak Wisblock
The WisBlock is the “Lego” of Meshtastic nodes. It has dozens of possible configurations and optional extras. It’s extremely versatile and low power, leading to its popularity as everything from hand-held nodes (such as the WisMesh Pocket and Muzi Works R1) to solar powered base stations.
- Pros
- Low power usage
- Modular (Can easily add on gps and sensors)
- Dedicated solar input
- Cons
- Requires assembly
WisMesh Pocket
The WisMesh Pocket utilizes the power-saving nRF52-series SOC and OLED display and large battery for long life. With an included external antenna, this unit is “ready to go” out of the box but has the potential for upgrades
- Pros
- battery efficient
- Integrated gps
- Nicest form factor
- Fully built with case
- Cons
- A bit expensive
B&Q Station G2
B&Q Consulting handcrafts specialized hardware designed specifically with Meshtastic in mind. The Station G2 is designed to be more sensitive than most other nodes, making for an excellent base-station or vehicle-based node. Note: Unlike most other nodes, the Station G2 has no support for onboard battery and requires external USB-C PD power.
- Pros
- Better than average sensitivity
- Custom designed for excellent Meshtastic performance
- Supports for more powerful RF, for Amateur licensed usage.
- Cons
- Not designed for portable usage
3.4 - Recommended Settings
Please make sure to update the firmware on your device as you get started. The easiest way to do that is to use the Web Flasher. The latest stable release, even if labeled Beta, is generally a very safe option.
Most importantly make sure to keep all automatic beacons like telemetry and position (if used on a stationary node) to 1 hour +.
If you are joining our Medium Slow network you can fill out the optional registration Google Form
In the Bay Area, we have a few recommendations for configuration:
(Make sure to read all the recommended settings)
- Set region to United States (US)
- Preset: Medium Range Slow
- Number of hops: 3 (Default) - Please don’t turn this up.
- Ignore MQTT: Optional: Enable this to ignore traffic that may have been downlinked from MQTT (the internet)
- Ok to MQTT: Optional: Enable this for your messages to be uploaded to MQTT (the internet). This is required for your messages to show up on the Discord logger, Meshview, or location on any maps.
- Channels
- 0 Primary Channel
- Name: Blank (Default)
- Key: AQ== (Default)
- You may wish to turn off Positions & Location if you’re not interested in broadcasting your location
- If you wish to enable a precise location you can do so via any client other than iOS
- 0 Primary Channel
- User
- Long Name: Something descriptive. Ex: Your name, Discord Handle, or Ham Callsign. You can even include an email or website (ProTip: put BayMe.sh in your name so more people can find us)
- Short Name: Max of 4 characters, something unique for you and that particular radio. This will be what’s displayed in chat. You can even use emojis to spice things up.
- Licensed Operator: Do not enable unless you are a licensed Amateur Radio operators and have read Licensed Operations. (You will not be able to communicate with people on any of the default channels if you enable this)
- Device Config
- Device Role
- Client Mute - Best for vehicles and any time you have more than 2 nodes in the same place. It will not relay messages. (It will still transmit its own packets)
- Client - Recommended for a home “base stations” or your single primary node. It will relay messages it receives.
- Router / Repeater - DO NOT use this role. There are a lot of considerations, and caveats, to using the offical Router & Repeater roles. Remember: The Client role relays messages just fine.
- See offical docs for full breakdown
- Device Role
- Module Configuration
- If you want to upload to the internet, see MQTT - This can be on nodes with their own WiFi chips or on the go with MQTT client proxy from the phone app.
- Device Telemetry (iOS)
- Device Metrics: 1 hour (iOS) / 3600 seconds (Android)
- Sensor (Environment) Metrics: 1 hour / 3600 seconds (Android)
4 - Weekly Net
Wednesday at 5pm. On air and on Discord voice
Meshtastic Net
I will keep it open from 5-6pm for checkins so you do not have to rush. The message format will just be (LONG NAME) - (CITY YOU ARE IN) #BayMeshNet. So for example I would do Ko6cnt Base - Santa Clara #BayMeshNet.
Voice Call
Also at the same time at 5pm we will be holding a voice call in the discord voice channel. It will be more like a general purpose discussion of all things Meshtastic in the Bay.
5 - Emergency/Private Use
If you are planning on using Meshtastic in the Bay Area and don’t want to participate in the broader network, or what to make sure you’re setup with your friends/family in case of an emergency, that’s cool. We’ve got some suggestions for you:
- Don’t use Frequency Slot 0
- Use “client” mode
6 - Licensed Operations
See the offical docs on Amateur Radio
In short, you can transmit up to 10W with high gain antennas. On the flip side you cannot join the default mesh and encryption must be (and is automatically) disabled.
7 - Other Community Resources
- What’s so fantastic about Meshtastic? by KO6CNT - Presented to PAARA on June 6, 2024
- Meshtastic @ Benicia Amateur Radio Club by KJ6FNQ Jon Davis.
- Meshtastic “Pitch” Deck by KJ6FNQ Jon Davis - Basics used for other presentation and in person events such as Maker Faire.